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(This post is a work-in-progress! Do not share it around until it's complete!)

() Hi and welcome to this masterpost about our swap AU called Delphiswap! Originally all of this was posted on Tumblr, but some things happened and my wingmates no longer want to leave all of it there anymore. So, I'm importing everything here and hopefully writing better descriptions of what happens in this AU.

The premise of this AU is that we swap the main trio of the game Wandersong - Kiwi (the bard), Miriam, and Audrey - with the Delphi band, Manny, Ash, and Viola. And then ve swapped a lot of other characters. Here's a list of all the changes.

Sprites of Viola, Manny and Ash standing alongside each other.

The Delphi Trio

  • Manny is the bard, and lives in Langtree. He loves singing and oftentimes helps out with many chores around the village, making himself useful thanks to his brawn and experience.
  • Ash is a socially anxious witch who utilizes wind powers and lives with their mother on the outskirts of Delphi.
  • Viola is the hero, from a mysterious faraway place - she seems to pride herself on being the savior of the world. Only time can tell how long she lasts.
Sprites of Kiwi, Miriam and Audrey standing alongside each other.

The RGB Band

  • Kiwi is the recruiter, living in Delphi. They play the drums and do not sing.
  • Miriam is the piccolo player. Her grandma Sapphy is dead and she's attending her funeral in the city.
  • Audrey is the guitarist and LIVING IT UP in Delphi. It's her home!


A floating, masked angelic being. A masked lady in a cool poncho.

The strange angels Eyask and Mala! Eyask guides the hero, while Mala just occasionally shows up in random places to pull Manny into a dance lesson.

The pirate sisters standing next to each other in a lineup.

The Canephora sisters! The Delphiswap versions of Amaris, Badriyah, Candra, and Purnima with their captain Hala leading them as pirates of the Tatango islands. On the other hand, Prince Lucas' consort of nobles are all in Chaandesh, wondering what happened to their dear friend... and Queen Ruby laments the death of her adoptive son and only heir.

Peter being threatened by Audrey. Jaime singing with Ash who wonders about him.

Peter and Jaime have also swapped positions, with Peter joining the RGB band for a short time to be their singer while Jaime scopes out Chismest in search of a powerful witch.


A lineup of the Delphi trio. A lineup of the RGB band. Manny destroying Ash by dancing. Ash demonstrating their ability to put Manny into a pocket. Viola stands there confused. Seven stages of Viola as she progresses through the rising difficulty of Wandersong's acts. Viola and Ash locked in a heated dance.