Author: Kyka, Vesta | Date posted: | Tags:


matching words,
i think we share the same cards

the same melody, the same song
we both have a calling
that hasn't reached us yet.

you're walking onward
you believe you can find that
not on a board-
but by putting on more than one hat

i really do envy you. i do.
wearing a hat is hard. heavy.
how do you have that kind of bravado?

you're strong. you only keep getting stronger.
you'd even take into your fold a stranger


watching bards,
you think you'll be in a pile of discard

the same body, the same longing
this too is yours - the song.
you'd be wise to vet

i'm walking backward
i am there already
off quite an awkward-
haha~! two hats? i'm not so greedy

dear friend, don't be jelly
it's a much sweeter jam when you do what you want
i'd love it if you joined me in being jolly

i'm not so strong, i'm afraid.
why leave anything unsaid?