A fluffy moth.

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This was originally posted on Cohost.

happy new years, but also

an eulogy to this year

we greeted you with newfound hope that everything would be better

only to have those hopes dashed

stomped into the dirt, our carefully planted flora uprooted

we made a film in the spring just barely by the skin of our teeth

we were so exhausted and burnt out. i was unable to rest. a few of us almost completely lost ourselves

in the summer we spent our time recovering, recuperating, gathering what little energy remained. we were so tired we barely moved for well over a month

over the fall, despite our doubts, despite every single argument against, we returned to college. with a plan. we combined our efforts. took advantage of each wingmate's skills. covered each other's backs. we succeeded in making a second film.

only today do i realize we made two whole films. fully animated, fully colored, with backgrounds, in the time of two minutes, a semester allocated to each. two entire films in a year.

they are both beautiful creations. we sacrificed a lot for them, but this past fall and winter, our improvement is clear. we pulled through.

i will mourn this old year that both spurned us so and yet spurred us to action such that we achieved this much and more.

i'm sorry i could be not present for much of 2022, but i hold this turbulent year close to my heart, and i release it into the ancient desert, lost to the sands of time but not forgotten.

The original version can be found here.

happy new years, but also

an eulogy to this year

we greeted you with newfound hope that everything would be better

only to have those hopes dashed

stomped into the dirt, our carefully planted flora uprooted

we made a film in the spring just barely by the skin of our teeth

we were so exhausted and burnt out. i was unable to rest. a few of us almost completely lost ourselves

in the summer we spent our time recovering, recuperating, gathering what little energy remained. we were so tired we barely moved for well over a month

over the fall, despite our doubts, despite every single argument against, we returned to college. with a plan. we combined our efforts. took advantage of each wingmate's skills. covered each other's backs. we succeeded in making a second film.

only today do i realize we made two whole films. fully animated, fully colored, with backgrounds, in the time of two minutes, a semester allocated to each. two entire films in a year.

they are both beautiful creations. we sacrificed a lot for them, but this past fall and winter, our improvement is clear. we pulled through.

i will mourn this old year that both spurned us so and yet spurred us to action such that we achieved this much and more.

i'm sorry i could be not present for much of 2022, but i hold this turbulent year close to my heart, and i release it into the ancient desert, lost to the sands of time but not forgotten.